A. 15mins EMOM OF:
Min 1: 5x Hang Clean Thrusters
Min 2: 10x Box jumps
Min 3: 15x hollow Rocks
Strict press 3x2@90%, 1x2 @95%
OHS 5sets of finding your Max
C. 12mins AMRAP OF:
5 x wall balls (+5reps)
3x deficit push ups (+ 3 reps)
In every round you add +5 reps and +3reps
A. Ohs find your 1RM in 15mins
B. EMOM 12mins of :
1x DL+ hang clean + clean + jerk @65%
C. 12mins AMRAP OF :
3x thrusters (+3reps)
5 x TTB (+5reps)
* In Every round you add the reps you see in every exercise
CrossFit Kallithea
A. 9mins EMOM :
Min 1: 10 box jumps
Min 2 : 12 knees to elbows
Min 3: 30-50 singles or 10 - 15 DU
B. 12 mins AMRAP OF:
3 Front Squat
3burpees over bar
6Front Squat
6 burpees over bar
9 front Squat
9 burpees over bar
We add 3reps in every round and that pattern gows until 12 mins.
C. 10x 10 hollow rocks
10x 5 reps push ups hr
check this article : http://www.rxdnews.gr/articles/o-crossfitter-tis-diplanis-portas/
4 σχόλια:
A. 15mins EMOM OF:
Min 1: 5x Hang Clean Thrusters 40kg
Min 2: 10x Box jumps
Min 3: 15x hollow Rocks
Strict press 4x2@90% --> 65kg
1x2 @95% --> 70kg
OHS 5sets of finding your Max--> το ξέχασα τελείως να το κάνω
C. 12mins AMRAP OF:
5 x wall balls (+5reps)
3x deficit push ups (+ 3 reps)
6 rounds (δηλαδή έως και 30WB+18 def PU)
A. 15mins EMOM OF:
Min 1: 5x Hang Clean Thrusters 25kg
Min 2: 10x Box jumps
Min 3: 15x hollow Rocks
C. 12mins AMRAP OF:
5 x wall balls (+5reps)
3x deficit push ups (+ 3 reps)
ews kai 15 apo ta 30WB (6os guros)
A. 15mins EMOM OF:
Min 1: 5x Hang Clean Thrusters (30kg)
Min 2: 10x Box jumps
Min 3: 15x hollow Rocks
C. 12mins AMRAP OF:
5 x wall balls (+5reps)
3x deficit push ups (+ 3 reps)
In every round you add +5 reps and +3reps
(δλδ 30reps στα WB + 16reps στα def PU)
Β. ΚANAME skills σε clean και jerk
A: 50kg
B: @ 35kg
C: 3-6-9-12-15 thrusters @ 35kg
5-10-15-20-19 TTB
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